Galerie Jeanne Bucher Jaeger
Susumu Shingu , Japan
"Le Souffle d'Ici - L'Eau de là"
The exhibition “The Breath of Here – The Water from There” by Susumu Shingu, is the third part of a cycle of three exhibitions in 2023-24 entitled ENCHAN-TEMPS conceived by Véronique Jaeger, testifying to the gallery’s commitment to issues of sustainable development, environment, and reflection on space, movement, and memory for artists whose monumental work is deeply rooted in memory sites on Earth but also reveals its full vision and monumentality when seen from above, from the Sky. Artists whose work, both singular and profound, made by humans and for humans, is fundamentally visionary and carries values. At a time of fundamental questions for the future of our humanity, such as Artificial Intelligence, its advantages and dangers, global warming, the urbanization of cities transformed into megacities, the gallery is even more committed to defending artists who propose, through their work, a world based on notions of sustainable development, balance, and peace, combining both the experience of the past, the present, and the future vision, which emerges as one of the great challenges of the 21st century. The cycle of exhibitions entitled ENCHAN-TEMPS, inaugurated in February 2023 with the exhibition “Inhabiting the Earth – Inner Archaeology” by Dani Karavan and Jean-Paul Philippe, continued with “The Eyes of the Sky” by Antoine Grumbach, and concludes with the exhibition “The Breath of Here – The Water from There” by Susumu Shingu, a sculptor of water and wind supported by the gallery since 2006, having created his Wind Museum in Japan, recently exhibited at the Château de Chambord on the occasion of the 500th anniversary of Leonardo da Vinci’s death. Susumu Shingu was recently featured in a dialogue with Renzo Piano at the Nakanoshima Art Museum in Osaka (July – September 2023), in Japan, in an exhibition entitled “Parallel Lives”; they have realized more than 12 projects together. The exhibition “The Breath of Here – The Water from There” is also an opportunity to deepen Susumu Shingu’s research around perpetual motion based on the natural energies that animate his sculpture with drawings, paintings, sculptures, and models of his large projects.
Solo show of Susumu Shingu
From March 2nd to July 13, 2024
Sunday, May 26th, 4:00 PM – 4:45 PM – Storytelling workshop around the artwork and publications of SUSUMU SHINGU. Led by Mathylde Rio, storyteller, actress, and singer (La Folle Vie Là company, specializing in storytelling and musical awakening for toddlers).
For children aged 3 to 6.
Sunday 26 May 2024 from 4:00 pm to 4:45 pm
Reading of children’s stories (registration required)
Paris, France 01 42 72 60 42
The gallery
The Jeanne Bucher Jaeger gallery is one of the few international galleries with over 90 years of history, boasting a roster of artists and a collection of works spanning the field of 20th-century Art and extending into the 21st century.
Founded by Jeanne Bucher in 1925, the gallery is recognized as a European institution that exhibited the great artists of the 20th century. Jeanne Bucher initially exhibited the Surrealist, Cubist, and pre-war Abstract avant-garde artists (Bauchant, Ernst, Giacometti, Kandinsky, Léger, Masson, Miró, Picasso, Staël, Tanguy, Vieira da Silva...). Jean-François Jaeger took over in 1947 and exhibited the great post-war European Abstractionists (Staël, Vieira da Silva, Bissière, Tobey, Dubuffet, Jorn...), the new Figurative and Realist painters of the 1970s (Gérard Fromanger, Dado, Fred Deux...), and the urban and environmental sculptors of the 1980s (Dani Karavan, Jean-Paul Philippe, Jean-Pierre Raynaud...).
Véronique Jaeger took over as the gallery's general manager on Rue de Seine in 2004 and inaugurated a new space in the Marais in 2008. In 2015, she organized an exhibition in all three Parisian spaces on the occasion of the gallery's 90th anniversary, renaming it JEANNE BUCHER JAEGER as a whole. Véronique Jaeger continues her role in promoting the artists who have been associated with the gallery from the beginning, such as André Bauchant, Vieira da Silva, Arpad Szenes, Nicolas de Staël, Hans Reichel, Roger Bissière, Mark Tobey, Jean Dubuffet, Fermín Aguayo... She designs monographic or thematic exhibitions for international museums through loans of works from the gallery's collection or from private collections amassed over time, and equally undertakes the reorganization of her archives as well as that of the gallery's historical collection.
Véronique Jaeger does not neglect her role in promoting contemporary artists she has been supporting since 2006 — Michael Biberstein, Miguel Branco, Antoine Grumbach, Zarina, Dani Karavan, Evi Keller, Rui Moreira, Jean-Paul Philippe, Hanns Schimansky, Susumu Shingu, Yang Jiechang, Maria Ana Vasco Costa, Antonella Zazzera... — through the organization of constant exhibitions at the gallery or off-site as well as participating in the production of their works for specific projects.
The JEANNE BUCHER JAEGER gallery, also established in Lisbon now, is one of the few modern and contemporary art galleries in operation since 1925 in Europe to continue promoting new artists.
Gallery artists
Abakanowicz Magdalena, Adams Robert, Adler Rose, Aguayo Fermín, Alex Kosta, Amado Jean, Arp Jean, Atlan Jean-Michel, Barthelemy Gérard, Bauchant André, Baumeister Willi, Bazaine Jean, Beaudin André, Belle Narcisse, Benquet Alphonse, Bertholle Jean, Biala Janice, Biberstein Michael, Bissière Roger, Boisecq Simone, Bores Francisco, Boumeester Christine, Branco Miguel, Braque Georges, Brauner Victor, Brignoni Serge, Le Brocquy Louis, Brustlein Alain, Campigli Massimo, De Caro Vieillard Anita, Carrade Michel, Ceccarelli Jean-Jacques, Chapoval Youla, Charchoune Serge, Chareau Dollie, Chauvin Jean, Chelimsky Oscar, Chen Maître, De Chirico Giorgio, Cossio Francisco G., Coulon Jean-Michel...
Galerie sélectionnée par Constance Guisset et Laurence Maynier