Constance Guisset


Constance Guisset - © Vincent Leroux

Graduated from ENSCI-Les Ateliers, Constance Guisset founded her studio specialized in design, interior architecture, and scenography in 2009. Her work is characterized by a search for balance between ergonomics, delicacy, and imagination. She collaborates with numerous French and international furniture publishers such as Petite Friture, Pierre Frey, or Zanotta.

Seeking the meaningful in the journey of this new edition of Paris Gallery Weekend. Rediscovering beloved galleries with the same pleasure and being surprised by places waiting to be discovered. Being touched at every stage of the stroll, wanting to see everything.

Being moved by Vimala Pons’s videos at Galerie Anne Barrault. Words, a gaze, a peeling away, and the weight of the world on the shoulders. Everything resonates, disturbs, enlightens; nothing is the same.

Remaining incredulous in front of the fragility of Katarzyna Wiesiolek’s charcoal works at galerie Eric Dupont. The colored powder that draws the world of water lilies, echoing Claude Monet. Or how a landscape chooses to deepen or fade into dust.

Being captivated by the intertwined chains of Jean Grisoni at Galerie MiniMasterpiece. Being welcomed by Esther de Beaucé and opening drawers to marvels. Unforeseen collections, strength, and delicacy, or how artists deal with the intimacy of jewelry.

Being struck by the sensuality of Seungsoo Baek’s series at galerie Louis & Sack, resisting the urge to touch the works difficultly. Yet giving up scratching the surfaces to avoid leaving with blackened nails.

Being curious and fearful before discovering the geomantic revelations of Sabine Mirlesse at galerie Andréhn-Schiptjenko. Remaining speechless by the complex beauty and getting lost in her supernatural landscapes.

Encountering Valérie Belin and Laura Henno at galerie Nathalie Obadia to keep images stuck to the retina. Delving into the memory of destroyed khatchkars through Pascal Convert’s traces at galerie RX&SLAG. Remembering, always. Completing the visit with Joao Trévisan’s painting invited by curator Simon Watson. Traveling through lines.

Remaining unconditional of galerie Papillon and discovering Sabrina Vitali in her complex transparencies. Looking at the color, traversing it, and playing with perspectives.

Melting into the vibrant ranges swallowing Paul Rousteau’s images. Facing Jan Melka’s determined lines. Seeing double at galerie Romero Paprocki: black lines or chromatic disturbances?

Flying in the fragile breath of Susumu Shingu, letting oneself be carried by movement and impermanence. Accepting not to grasp anything, paying homage to delicacy at Galerie Jeanne Bucher Jaeger.

And above all, not to settle for these excerpts, to see and review the entire journey in its entirety and diversity. Saluting every courageous, inspired, and determined gallerist, honoring every generous artist, desiring every work, and leaving with or without.